Taking Steps Toward Financial Fitness
Nicky Vasquez learned about Virginia Saves when she attended her first class with Bank On Virginia Beach. The instructor shared how important it was to have a written savings goal, and the entire class joined Virginia Saves as the first step toward financial fitness.
Nicky Vasquez learned about Virginia Saves when she attended her first class with Bank On Virginia Beach. The instructor shared how important it was to have a written savings goal, and the entire class joined Virginia Saves as the first step toward financial fitness.
When Nicky signed up for class, she wanted to learn how to better manage money and increase savings. Growing up, she never learned about savings because “it was always about the here and now in addition to helping my mother with household expenses.” But, she realized she could have been saving all along by doing a better job managing her spending.
Applying what she learned in the class, Nicky now tracks her daily spending, saves monthly in a savings account through automatic deposit, and doesn’t rely on credit cards in a pinch. By using her funds wisely, she has increased her savings and made improvements to add value to her home. Another lesson she learned was to make sure to review her credit report once a year. “Good credit has always been important to me,” Nicky explained, “it was the one thing that I was taught when I started working at the age of 10 with my paper route.”
In addition to sharing what she learned with family members, Nicky began to look at how to make a difference in the lives of the youth she works with by helping them make better financial decisions and offering financial training opportunities.
Nicky said the best part of her training was having a one-on-one coach. “My coach not only met with me monthly to review my funds and decisions, but she also educated me on the importance of improving my finances through investment options that best fit me and my circumstances.”
Nicky encourages others to begin their financial fitness journey by joining Virginia Saves or America Saves. “Establishing a written goal and taking steps to make it become a reality helped me, and I know it can help others, too.”
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By Quaneka Willis
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Saving Early: Key to Successful Future
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Saving With My Boys
By Kelly
Kelly has made saving a family effort. She started her boys saving early. “Probably 3,” Kelly told us, “w...
Budget like Nohemi
By Nohemi
Nohemi found out about America Saves a few years ago as an undergraduate at the University of Illinois at...
Another Dream Realized
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Put 20 Percent Away
By Melissa
“I am a single mother, and I make ends meet for me and my daughter, but I wanted to put money away for my daughter for a college fund. So I started saving 20 percent of my paycheck every month to put it away in a savings account with a high Annual Percentage Yield (APY). By the time my daughter is 18, I will have saved nearly $90,000.”
Saving With My Boys
By Kelly
Kelly has made saving a family effort. She started her boys saving early. “Probably 3,” Kelly told us, “w...
Savings #ImSavingForSweepstakes
#ImSavingFor Winner Story
By Pedram R.
America Saves awarded one lucky saver, Pedram R. from California, $750 for sharing his #ImSavingFor story...
Developing a Savings "Game Plan"
By Eunice Diaz
Eunice Diaz, a teacher in Colorado Springs, had been noticing a pattern. Despite the fact that she and he...
Budget like Nohemi
By Nohemi
Nohemi found out about America Saves a few years ago as an undergraduate at the University of Illinois at...
A Think Like A Saver Attitude
By Melissa
Melissa has always been thrifty with a #ThinkLikeASaver attitude. This served her family well when her husband lost his job in 2014. Using their savings, Melissa’s family stayed afloat while her husband found a new job.
Saving With My Boys
By Kelly
Kelly has made saving a family effort. She started her boys saving early. “Probably 3,” Kelly told us, “when I started encouraging them to save because that’s when they started receiving small bills from family on the holidays.”
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Put 20 Percent Away
By Melissa
“I am a single mother, and I make ends meet for me and my daughter, but I wanted to put money away for my...
A Think Like A Saver Attitude
By Melissa
Melissa has always been thrifty with a #ThinkLikeASaver attitude. This served her family well when her hu...
Saving is a Family Affair
By Jeff
Saving is truly a family affair for Jeff’s household. During America Saves Week 2019, he pledged to save ...
Put 20 Percent Away
By Melissa
“I am a single mother, and I make ends meet for me and my daughter, but I wanted to put money away for my daughter for a college fund. So I started saving 20 percent of my paycheck every month to put it away in a savings account with a high Annual Percentage Yield (APY). By the time my daughter is 18, I will have saved nearly $90,000.”
Starting and Continuing a Personal Finance Journey
By Kiara Hardin
When Kiara Hardin, now a junior at Western Illinois University, became an intern with the Chicago Summer ...
Saving With My Boys
By Kelly
Kelly has made saving a family effort. She started her boys saving early. “Probably 3,” Kelly told us, “w...
Saving is a Family Affair
By Jeff
Saving is truly a family affair for Jeff’s household. During America Saves Week 2019, he pledged to save ...
Budget like Nohemi
By Nohemi
Nohemi found out about America Saves a few years ago as an undergraduate at the University of Illinois at...
Getting Out of Debt
By Tonya Shelton
In 2004, Tonya Shelton was facing financial ruin. Barely making more than minimum wage and having lost her home to an unexpected family crisis, Shelton and her family were forced to live in a rundown hotel.
Taking Back Control Over Finances
By Nadine Bialo
After becoming a Virginia Saver and getting help from BankOn classes and coaching, Nadine Bialo took back...
Developing a Savings "Game Plan"
By Eunice Diaz
Eunice Diaz, a teacher in Colorado Springs, had been noticing a pattern. Despite the fact that she and he...
From Overwhelmed to In Control
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In 2017 Debi felt overwhelmed. Her credit cards were maxed, and she wasn't exactly sure how to handle it....
Inspired to Build Savings By Starting Small
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With little-to-no money in the bank and living on a limited income with her adult daughter, Sharon wasn’t...
Savings #ImSavingForSweepstakes
#ImSavingFor Winner Story
By Pedram R.
America Saves awarded one lucky saver, Pedram R. from California, $750 for sharing his #ImSavingFor story. Pedram said, “Saving is important to me because it proves I am not willing to buy unnecessary things to please others or to be perceived as successful.”
Saving is a Family Affair
By Jeff
Saving is truly a family affair for Jeff’s household. During America Saves Week 2019, he pledged to save for retirement. But making a commitment and creating a plan to save isn’t a new concept for him.
Getting Out of Debt
By Tonya Shelton
In 2004, Tonya Shelton was facing financial ruin. Barely making more than minimum wage and having lost her home to an unexpected family crisis, Shelton and her family were forced to live in a rundown hotel.
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creative ways to fund your savings
Those with a savings plan are twice as likely to save successfully. Taking the America Saves Pledge is a pledge to yourself to start a savings journey and America Saves is here to encourage you along the way. Take the first step toward creating a better financial future. Make a plan, set a goal, and pledge to yourself to start saving, today.

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We are so glad you have started your savings journey and Military Saves will be right beside you the whole way! You will soon receive an email from the Military Saves team to help encourage you. Find helpful links below to continue researching topics on saving.
Take the America Saves Pledge
Make a pledge to yourself and create a simple savings plan that works.